Recently we kicked off our 2023 season.
Below is an extract of president Tom Trupkovic’s speech on the night.
NGWFC has a proud history – and you all are a big part of shaping its history.
The club was founded in 1967 and placed into the lower tiers of Victorian football.
Now in 2023, 56 years later we are back at the pinnacle of Victorian football.
We are striving to build on last year’s tremendous success – both our Women & Men’s teams were a force to be reckoned with. For me, this encapsulates the effort, love, hard work and determination that can be seen throughout our amazing club week in and week out.
Across all sectors of our club football operations – We have quality coaches, players and teams striving to compete at the highest level.
From Senior Men and Women, Junior Boys and Girls, and right down to our wee Mini Roos – we are confident we can build on the success and ensure the club continues with its hard work, winning mentality and approach because success breeds success.
Behind the scenes – and off the pitch – it’s evident too.
Our facilities are something we can all be proud of – the standard set – as with our teams – is high.
A new roof, renovations to the grandstand, media box, kitchen & bar – many comments about how great it all looks – especially that pitch (Special thanks Rob Cosic) means we can again accommodate and operate to a high standard that is the envy of many who visit our club and facilities.
Our volunteers have been inspirational – many involved here – an army – you know who you are – huge thank you and respect.
The masterplan is impressive – as is the team leading this.
Great work and effort is going into our Strategic planning.
The goals and aims set across the next 3-5 years is motivating many in our community to make sure this great club continues to thrive and be around for many more years.
All in all – it’s encouraging and the future is bright.
And I’m proud to say – the warrior spirit is truly alive.
But there is still so much work to be done on this battle front.
Strategic planning, facilities, infrastructure, funding are key factors in club operations and a sustainable future.
Our fight for funding – fair and equality – is our next greatest challenge.
We can all play our part in lobbying for what is now termed ‘fair play.’
Mark Schwarzer (Aussie Socceroo great) recently explained the gross inequality for our code and clubs – football is the number one sport played by kids in Australia – 1 million kids registered – but the code only gets $100 million funding from Canberra.
The 500,000 kids playing AFL football receive $500 million – that’s right – half the amount of registered players, receiving five times the amount of funding!
This then begs the question – how is that right or fair?
Over the past few years we have been asking this question and working hard to get the response it deserves.
Locally, this is how we compare – there is also a gross inequality of funding allocated to us by COGG (City of Greater Geelong) – so we have to ask local council members – how is this right or fair?
We have over 400 registered players – and when compared to other local clubs who have fewer players than us – and I won’t name clubs – but as an example:
Just down the road a club received from COGG a brand new clubhouse and changerooms facilities to the value of $3 million – they are also serviced by asphalted driveways and car parks – and have two of its pitches fully catered for – that is – watered, mowed, fertilised, air rated and ground drainage provided – valued at 120 -150K per year! All funded by taxpayers and our hard earned money.
We have gratefully received funding for our pitches, lighting and changerooms thanks to council, however we don’t receive funding in the same vein as others with more work required to carpark, grandstand and clubhouse (kitchen, bar, hall, toilets) – essential operating facilities for any sporting club.
So now we begin to understand how the current system is not fair to our club and our future generations – our families especially who are paying the price for this inequality.
Simply, historically we have accepted it’s because we are ‘private’.
But we are now challenging that – the NGWFC – who abide by FIFA, FA, FV and local government codes of practice – service thousands of people from around the state – yes we are ‘private’ but we provide a public service.
I’m passionate about this, because as a teacher, and like schools – I believe it’s consumer choice – and both public and private schools deserve their fair share of funding – where the student goes the funding follows – with sports clubs the same rule should apply – that is essentially our argument.
Also, I believe sporting clubs are an educational institution – we ‘teach’ and educate too – our coaches are often our kids greatest ‘teachers.’
We all know the benefits that comes from playing sport – so too does the government – the physical and social benefits sport provides – the revenue and tax sporting clubs and competitions generate is enormous.
Fair funding models and fair appropriation of taxpayers money – our money – is crucial for this clubs future.
A sustainable future will mean so much to the future generations. It simply means with more money we can do so much more and provide our club community – especially our coaches and players – better pitches and facilities – WE DESERVE THAT – we feel it’s long overdue and owed to us. And it’s coming!
Last year – with the COGG Council – We had a great ‘financial’ win – we were allocated some funding, small change really – but from little things big things grow.
Witnessed by nearly 100 of our members and community this was an historic night.
As good as winning promotion! Unprecedented and motivational.
The volunteers leading this cause are also – like our coaches and players – are true warriors – and they too will go down in history as some of the club’s greatest heroes.
I ask you to be the voice – embrace our club’s aim and vision.
Season 2023 – what can we expect?
Well after the success of Australia and Croatia at the World Cup – I’m excited!
I’m forever the optimist.
Many years ago when NPL was introduced and offered – we seized it – we wanted it.
Why – simply – because we have always strived to be the best in the region and now we again set our sights on being the best in the state.
As Croatia’s national team coach Zlatko Dalic explained to his players:
“What is easy is not valued”
Throughout our history – the belief and our culture is – NGWFC belongs and deserves to be competing at the top level.
Our club culture and belief is – we are warriors.
I love this term warrior – many great things come to mind when we think about the meaning of the word – warrior.
The definition of warrior is – a brave soldier or fighter – it evokes a sense of esteemed discipline, respect.
Great soldiers and fighters are feared and revered – they know how to attack and defend – know how to win – survive.
Physically and mentally, warriors are strong – nothing is too hard or impossible.
“Courage above all things is the first quality of the warrior”
We all have our heroes and warriors – the greats are talked about for generations and inspire many to do great things.
Warriors come in different shapes and sizes – many are not famous – they can be a great role model – like a parent, a coach, a teacher, an older or younger player, a past player, a grandparent – a good friend/partner/wife or husband. I see many warriors at this great club – I encourage you all to become your own personal best warrior.
Finally, to the coaches and players – on behalf of the board and entire club community – I wish you all the very best for season 2023.
I hope you trust each other and yourselves.
The expectations are enormous – increased pressure – the nervousness – but see that extra burden as a privilege – it means you’ve earnt it.
Eliminate any doubt or fear.
The difference between ordinary and extra ordinary is – ‘the extra’ (Branko Culina)
I simply urge you to continue to work hard, learn from mistakes – no one is perfect – respect yourselves and others – be kind, and believe you can achieve anything you put your heart and soul into.
To everyone involved with this great club – work harder, smarter, and then regardless of result we will be better for that experience.
Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.’ –